Good Neighbourhoods

In September 2024, we asked for your thoughts on our Good Neighbourhoods Policy. Here's what we are doing with your feedback.

Why did we ask for feedback?

Our recent Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM's) show that 62.5%* of our customers are satisfied that we make a positive contribution to our neighbourhoods.

We're reviewing our Good Neighbourhoods Policy, and we wanted to improve it using your feedback.

We asked a few questions; Did you know about the Policy? Would you know where to find it? Are we missing something? Here's what you told us...

*of 268 customers asked in May 2024.

Who did we ask for feedback?

  • We asked 587 customers on our Commentator Panel.
  • We posted a letter to 92 customers on our Commentator Panel. 
  • We shared the survey on our social media channels and on our website.
  • 24 customers responded to our online survey.
  • 10 members of the Challenge Group reviewed the document and recommended for approval.

What you said and what we will do

We'll work closely with our Communications Team to make it clear what we mean by being a 'good neighbour'. 

We'll make it clear how and where you can raise a neighbourhood concern.

We will share this across our social media channels and website homepage on a quarterly basis.

  • You asked if we can add direct contact details for our Neighbourhood Team - instead of using the general Trust email.
  • We'll add in the direct email address for our Neighbourhoods Team, so you can contact them directly. 

Want to have your say?

Let us know how you'd like to get involved

* indicates a compulsory field