Complaints Consultation

In May 2024, we asked for feedback on our complaints process - and whether you think we are doing what we say we will.

Why did we ask for feedback?

We wanted to know, based on customer experience, if we are following the Complaints procedure outlined in the Housing Ombudsman Code. We have to submit an annual ‘self-assessment’ to the Regulator to show that we are doing what we say we will - and we wanted your input. How did we handle you complaint and was it in line with the Code?

Who did we ask for feedback?

  • We asked 328 customers who made a complaint in the last twelve months.
  • 9 customers attended the complaints meeting at our office.
  • 5 customers responded to our online survey.
  • 10 members of the Challenge Group reviewed the document and recommended for approval.

What you said, and what we will do

You told us that we need to work on our communication of the complaints process...

...That's why we will make sure to follow-up when you have first made a complaint, and inform you when it has been resolved.

We will ensure to keep in contact throughout the complaints process.

You told us that we need to make the complaints process more visible to customers...

...We have made our complaints webpage more visible on the website, by adding it to our homepage.

We will look into sharing our complaints leaflet with the annual rent letter and making sure it is in tenancy sign-up packs.

You told us that you would like to give us feedback in six months following updates to the complaint process...

...We are looking at hosting another complaints consultation towards the end of the year

Read the updated policy

Want to have your say?

Let us know how you'd like to get involved

* indicates a compulsory field

For more info on complaints