Scrutiny Panel - Anti Social Behaviour

Our customers took a detailed look at our anti-social behaviour (ASB) service and made a series of recommendations about how to improve. Take a look at their recommendations and how we'll be working to put them in place.

Making it easier to report and resolve ASB - your recommendations

In spring 2023, 4 tenants and 1 shared owner discussed our ASB service here at the Trust and how it can be improved.

This Scrutiny Panel made 11 recommendations and we'll be working hard to implement them over the coming months.

  • The Trust was asked to make it clearer for customers what we consider as ASB and what we can deal with - such as whether the responsibility lies with us, Cheshire East Council, or another agency.
  • The Trust was asked to promote the 'Community Trigger' - a way of getting of different organisations together to deal with a persistent  issue on your patch.
  • We were asked to explain more clearly how 'anonymous reporting' works - for example, by sharing case studies. 
  • We were asked to provide more information on what support you'll receive when you report an ASB issue - like how often you'll be contacted, when, and why.


  • You asked us to add the terms 'cuckooing and exploitation' and 'tenancy fraud' to the forms where our customers can report ASB.

  • Our Scrutiny Panel asked us to create the position of  a 'customer champion' or involve Challenge Group to work closely with our ASB team and make sure our customers are at the heart of any service change.  

  • The Panel asked the Trust to include more information about ASB in our neighbourhood plans.
  • The Panel were particularly interested in seeing outcomes from previously reported ASB cases in neighbourhoods and also anonymous case studies from customers who had been involved in reporting ASB. 

  • The Scrutiny Panel were interested in introducing a 'Complainant Support Structure' to our Tenancy Sustainment Team. This would include having a set process and structure to support members of our community who report ASB.

  • The Trust were asked to take a look at our ASB policies and make sure there was less jargon.

  • The Scrutiny Panel asked us to review and put in place a CCTV policy, which we then will share with customers.

  • We were asked to update the online ASB form to allow customers to include photos when they report ASB


The following recommendations were also agreed

The Scrutiny Panel also asked us to:

  • Introduce a training plan where all staff in the business are enrolled on courses covering empathy, equality, diversity and inclusion. The Panel also asked us to train all staff across the business on our ASB service and what the ASB team do - including how to report ASB, how anonymous reporting works, and the Trust's approach towards ASB.
  • Introduce a quality assessment checklist after an ASB Officer has closed an ASB case. This will ask the customer different questions - like how satisfied they were with how we dealt with their report. 
  • Improve how we store information about a tenant or member of the community who reports ASB by making sure that all the risk assessments and any of the involved tenants vulnerabilities are accessible to relevant and involved staff.

Report ASB

Use our online form to report anti-social behaviour problems in your neighbourhood.

Coming soon

We'll be recruiting for our next Scrutiny Panel in autumn 2023. Email if you'd be interested in finding out more.

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