Right to Acquire
Find out more about Right to Acquire and whether you are eligible to do so.
The Right to Acquire is a scheme giving eligible tenants of registered providers, who will mainly be Assured Tenants of Housing Associations, the ability to purchase their home.
Eligible secure and assured tenants living in a property which qualifies and whose landlord is a housing association, such as Peaks & Plains.
Yes, properties in the majority of our rural parishes are exempt from the Right to Acquire. Also, if the property is one of a group of homes suitable for elderly or people with disabilities people.
You must be a tenant in a qualifying property and have spent a total of three years as a public sector tenant. You must also live in a house or flat which is a self-contained property and is your only or main home
The Right to Acquire works in similar ways to Right to Buy but uses different forms and does not have the same discount levels. The maximum level of discount for this area is £11,000.
If the property you rent is a house and Peaks & Plains own the freehold then the freehold of the property is sold to you. You will be responsible for the purchase costs and will, from the date of sale, be responsible for all the costs of running and maintaining the property. If the property is a flat then a lease for a maximum of 125 years will be sold to you. You will be responsible for the interior of the flat including heating if this is self-contained. You will also have to pay the annual ground rent and service charges for works and services provided by Peaks & Plains.
If you sell the property within the first ten years after purchase you have to first offer the property back to Peaks & Plains.