Weston Community Hub - now open!

Weston Friends Community Group officially opened the new Gilchrist Avenue community hub on Saturday 18 March. Our Exec team went along to celebrate the success.

A real buzz in the air

Our Development Officer has worked alongside Heather Bilton, active member of our Challenge Group, and the Weston Community Friends to use one of our commercial properties as a new space for the community. 

Heather and the Weston Community Friends have worked tirelessly to create this community hub. 

Our Executive team, Customer Voice Manager and Development Manager visited the hub on it's opening day, last Saturday.

They were completely wowed with how Heather and the Weston Community Friends transformed the space. There was a real buzz in air.

The space will be used for whatever the community needs - whether it's tea and chat, cubs, brownies or knitting.

Heather Bilton, Challenge Group member, and Frank Bailey, Development Officer.

Heather Bilton, Challenge Group member, and Frank Bailey, Development Officer.

This community hub is a fantastic addition to the Weston - we're so glad we could work with Heather and the Weston Community Friends to make this happen. I can't wait to see the impact that the hub has.


Rachel Marsland, Customer Voice Manager

Contact Heather and the Weston Community Friends for more information about the hub - whether you'd like to hire the space, volunteer, or join one of the groups using it. 

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