Race equality week 2025

At the Trust we celebrate our differences and work together to create an inclusive environment for all. That’s why we are taking part in Race Equality Week 2025. Find out more about the campaign and it's purpose.

What is Race Equality Week?

A UK-wide initiative, Race Equality Week, was launched by community interest company Race Equality Matters to turn words into meaningful action. It is a movement spurred on by the events of 2020, which have heightened the country’s collective consciousness of the racism, inequality, and injustice experienced by ethnically diverse communities.


This year's theme, #EveryActionCounts, was selected by the Race Equality Matters community. 

Its idea is to promote the importance of individual and collective actions in driving meaningful change.

"Every small step you take is like sowing the seeds for change—whether big or small, each action matters."  -  Founders of Race Equality Matters.

Click here to read more about REM.


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