Hear from a neighbour: how our (free!) courses with Macclesfield College helped you
I'm a retired lady, wanting to use technology for writing my memoir and sorting my finances.
I decided to attend the course because it is some considerable time since I had dealings with computers.
Whilst on the course, I gained a lot of confidence in navigating the laptop and enjoyed the use of software including spreadsheets, thus enabling me to manage my finances.
Don't just think about it... do it!
- a top tip for the free skills training from an Upton Priory resident
The course has made me more aware of outgoings and the need to keep a check on my payslips. I plan on doing more learning next!
My top tip for people thinking about joining a course is 'don't just think about it...do it!'. It gives you more self-confidence and you will meet like minded people.
Want to see our other opportunities at the Trust?
Our last course with Macclesfield College started on 20 June. But we still have loads of opportunities for you to get involved with the Trust.

You'll learn in a small group, focussing on what you really need from the course.