Green Fingers Gardening Competition winners 🌼

Between May and July 2021, we were on the hunt for the best gardens, tubs, baskets and green spaces. There's been stiff competition. But, after some difficult decisions, we've found our winners.

Thanks to Idverde, who sponsored this competition, we could offer prizes to our winners - first prize was a £100 gardening voucher, second prize a £50 gardening voucher, and third prize a £25 gardening voucher. 

Our judges made their decisions by looking at visual impact, originality, the consideration that you've given to the wildlife and the surrounding environment, and also the time and effort you’ve put in.

We had over 50 entries to the competition and - don't worry - we'll be running it again next year. 

Joint first place

Two winning gardeners received our first place prize, since we couldn't choose between their fantastic green-fingered talents. In joint first place, the winners of the Peaks & Plains Green Fingers Gardening Competition are - respectively - Shirley Birch and John Austin. 

They, separately, keep their communal gardens in tip top condition, making sure neighbours can enjoy a stunning outdoor space too. 

Second place

Debbie Walker claimed second place for her great gardening skills. 

Third place

Denise Richardson won our final prize for her beautiful attention to her green spaces. 

Other winners

We had stunning entries in all our categories. Here are some of the other gorgeous green spaces that we saw. Scroll to the bottom to see some of their blooming gardens and hanging baskets. 

Best communal garden

  • Joint first (and winning our first place prize overall) - Shirley Birch and John Austin
  • Second place - Valerie Hudson
  • Third place - Lesley Maclaren 
  • Highly commended - Rose Keen 
  • Nominated by others certificate - Beryl and Ashley 

We also gave 'community certificates' for organisations who are taking the reigns and making green spaces for our communities. 

Best front garden

  • First place - Susan Few
  • Second place - Peter Holt
  • Third place - Christine Davies

Best garden feature

  • First place - Emma Scott
  • Second place - Graham Collins
  • Third place - Shirley Birch 
  • Highly commended - Matthew Woods

Best hanging basket/tub

  • First place - Tracy Newnham 
  • Second place - Mildred Cook
  • Third place - Irene Preston 

Best rear garden

  • First place - Denise Richardson
  • Second place - Julie Barnard
  • Third place - David Russell 

My happy green place

  • First place - Diana Storey
  • Second place - Peter Holt
  • Third place - Julie Barnard 

Want to get involved with the Trust?

We have loads of opportunities to get involved with our activities - whether you have a little or a lot of time to spare, we have something for you. If you want to make a difference on your patch, check out our get involved page.

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