Staff volunteer to paint and litterpick
Staff visited both Woodford Gardens and Elmfield Road in Alderley Edge and also the Weston estate in Macclesfield.
At Woodford Gardens, the team volunteered to cut back hedges (as long as there are no birds nesting!), strim weeds, clear cuttings, scrape moss from paths, prepped and painted shed, litter picked and generally tidied the area.
Meanwhile, in Macclesfield, our staff volunteered to clear alleys, litter pick, clear weeds and generally find out what you think of the area that you live.
These events were a great way to get your feedback on your neighbourhoods and help us plan for the Trust's future.

We love making a difference to our communities. Volunteering is just one way we can show our commitment to keeping our estates in tip top condition.
Caren Breddy, Estates Manager
If you have any feedback on our clean up days, or want to get involved next time, email