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Here's a quick survey and as a thanks for your time, we'll enter you into a prize draw. The topic? Fire safety in your communal spaces - places like corridors or stairwells between flats or maisonettes.

The communal spaces (fire safety) policy is all about staying safe in those areas between your homes - like passageways or porches that you share with other customers. It also applies to leaseholders. 

The key message of the policy is to keep your communal spaces clear - no prams, photos, excessive plants. This is to make sure that emergency services can get into the area without tripping.

1. Read the policy

Take a look this document and then take a few minutes to fill out. It's 7 pages, but only a handful of these have the actual policy on. 

Communal Areas Fire Safety Policy Review June 24

2. Fill out the survey and enter the prize draw

It's just 7 questions and then, if you want to enter our prize draw, 3 more questions for your name and address so we can get in touch if you win.

Fill out the survey and enter the prize draw

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