Cleaning in your shared spaces. Here's how we are doing.

In April 2021, we asked 821 customers to let us know their thoughts on our communal cleaning service.

94 (11%) customers completed the survey and this is what they told us.

  • Our cleaning in communal areas is a 4 out of 5 star service.

  • 99% of customers thought that our cleaners are always polite and respectful, or the question didn't apply to them.

Based on your feedback:

  • You told us that you like to know when the cleaner has been. So, we've taken your suggestion on board - we now put up a notice from the cleaner when they have cleaned an area.
  • We have inspected 7 different blocks, based on various reports of issues with cleaning, and our Estates Manager has been on an additional 9 visits to customers to discuss issues further.
  • Three repair jobs were logged from the feedback.
  • Our Housing Officers have been involved in resolving neighbourhood issues that were raised in the survey.
  • You told us that it would be useful if we included information on how to use communal bins in your tenancy sign up packs. Our Estates Manager has been working closely with our Neighbourhood teams to make sure that this is included in the future.
  • During our Estates Manager's visits, it was clear that some of the issues you raised were related to bins and the amount of rubbish left after bins were emptied, or bin collections were missed altogether. The cleanliness of the bin stores is Peaks & Plains responsibility, but the way the rubbish is collected - eg if a bin collection is missed  - is the responsibility of Cheshire East Council. Any issues relating to collection or missed collections should be directed to Recycling and bin collections (
  • We made sure that we shared all your comments about our staff with their teams and their managers.

Caren Breddy, Estates Manager

Your feedback is incredibly important to us – it helps us to improve the service that we provide in your area.

It has taught us a lot. For example, part of the feedback relates to specific blocks, so issues have been identified and clarity has been given to customers regarding responsibilities for contractors or other service providers. So thank you to everyone who responded and let us know how we’re doing.



Interested in getting involved?

We’re always looking for customers to get involved with us. Whether you’d like to get involved once or get involved on an ongoing basis, come to meetings or have your say from home - we’ve got an involvement method that suits you.

What's in it for you?

  • Play a key part in improving and shaping our services and their value for money
  • Have your say on key areas of the business such as repairs, grounds maintenance and anti-social behaviour
  • Make sure you get the service and standards you pay for
  • See how your feedback and input improves our services for you and other customers
  • A chance to gain new skills and access free training opportunities
  • Influence changes in policies and procedures at the Trust

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