Your satisfaction

We want to know how satisfied you are with our services. That's why we have 'Tenant Satisfaction Measures' (TSM's) to listen and respond to your feedback.

What are Tenant Satisfaction Measures? (TSMs)

We are required to collect and report each year on our performance. Our performance is looked at by using 'Tenant Satisfaction Measures' - these are determined by the regulator of social housing.

We ask Acuity to contact you on our behalf, so that you feel you can talk freely and honestly about our services.

How do we use them?

We use this information to improve and shape the services that we offer. It highlights area of improvement and lets us know what you think.

Take a look at how we score

*All figures are out of 1045 customers that were surveyed through our partners, Acuity.

Overall satisfaction

71.6%* of customers are satisfied overall with our services.

Satisfaction that the home is safe

79.9%* of customers are satisfied that their home is safe.

  • This high level of satisfaction shows our positive work in completing risk assessments, inspections, servicing and testing throughout the year. 

Satisfaction that the landlord listens to tenant views and acts upon them

61.8%* of customers are satisfied that the landlord listens to tenant views and acts upon them.

  • Our Customer Voice and Communications Team are working to make sure that we are providing feedback on our 'lessons learnt' and that we provide you with updates on how you can get involved. 

Satisfaction that the landlord keeps tenants informed about things that matter to them

73.6%* of customers are satisfied that we keep them informed about things that matter. 

  • Our Customer Voice and Communications Team are working with staff across the Trust to make sure we are responding to you in a timely manner. For example, we have monthly meetings with the Repairs Team to review complaints and feedback.

Agreement that the landlord treats tenants fairly and with respect

77.5%* of customers agree that we treat them fairly and with respect.

  • At the Trust, we offer training to our staff for a variety of issues to improve the customer experience. For example, dementia training. 

Satisfaction with the landlord's approach to handling complaints

40.5%* of customers are satisfied with our approach to handling complaints.

  • Over the course of the year, of 239 customers, 97 were either very or fairly satisfied with our approach to handling complaints. 

Satisfaction that the landlord keeps communal areas clean and well-maintained

58.4%* of customers are satisfied that we keep communal areas clean and well-maintained.

  • This measure also includes Grounds Maintenance, which we know we have needed to work on. We are now working with local contractor ANSA, to look after and improve your green spaces.
  • Live in a space with a communal area? You may have received our recent cleaning survey. We are using your feedback to improve and re-assess our cleaning services. 

Satisfaction that the landlord makes a positive contribution to neighbourhoods

66.2%* of customers are satisfied that we make a positive contribution to neighbourhoods.

  • Of 687 customers, 455 were either very or fairly satisfied. 

Satisfaction that the home is well-maintained

69.6%* of customers are satisfied that the home is well-maintained.

  • Satisfaction with work when complete is high at 99%, but we are looking at improving how we maintain our homes. 

Satisfaction with repairs

74.1%* Three quarters of our tenants are satisfied with the repairs service that we offer.

Satisfaction with time taken to complete most recent repair

70.2%* of our customers are satisfied with the time taken to complete the most recent repair.

Repairs completed within target timescale

59.4% of repairs completed within the target timescale.

  • This is for non-emergency repairs.
  • This figure is improving steadily and is expected to continue to improve.

Homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard

0.6% of homes do not meet the Decent Home Standard

  • The number of properties that do not meet the Decent Home Standard is 34.

Look at how we scored in other areas