Our performance
From repairs to customer satisfaction, the work we do with our partners and the impact that we have on our communities. Find out how we are doing.
Take a look at our performance in more detail:
The Trust in 2023-2024 – P&PHT Annual Review
Our quarterly performance - checked by customers
Our Customer Challenge Group work with us to create a series of performance measures to hold us to account.
Every three months, we share the Trust's performance with our Customer Challenge Group to review and they support the sharing of the below results.
Our recent performance
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Our Performance, October-December 2024: Checked and approved by Challenge Group, our Customer Panel.
Number of reported incidents of anti-social behaviour. This highlights number of new ASB incidents:
2024 | Where we are at | Target |
October | 16 | 35 |
November | 21 | 35 |
December | 25 | 35 |
Need to report anti-social behaviour? Head over to our webpage.
% of customer satisfaction with ASB resolution/service. We use this to understand customer satisfaction with the ASB service, following case closure:
2024 | Where we are at | Target |
October | 92.86% | 80% |
November | 66.67% | 80% |
December | 75% | 80% |
Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM's):
In 2023/24, TSMs showed us that 70.6% of customers were satisfied with our approach to ASB. (Not everyone surveyed as part of the TSMs have been through the ASB service).
% Complaints responded to within timescales (YTD). To understand what percentage of complaints that are being dealt with within agreed timescales for all stages of the policy:
2024 | Where we are at | Target |
October | 100% | 100% |
November | 100% | 100% |
December | 100% | 100% |
We successfully responded to all complaints within the required timescale, maintaining a perfect score of 100%, despite an increase in complaints each month.
% of first time resolution. To understand what percentage of calls are dealt with by the Contact Centre Right First Time (RFT) without the need for a call back:
2024 | Where we are at | Target |
October | 90.63% | 92% |
November | 94.27% | 92% |
December | 94.14% | 92% |
October's slight performance dip was due to training issues following the introduction of a new contact & service request process.
Number of complaints received - Grounds Maintenance & Cleaning. To ensure service failures and processes are identified and discussed. To aim for right first time, on time response:
2024 | Where we are at | Target |
October | 0 | 2 |
November | 0 | 0 |
December | 0 | 0 |
There were no complaints related to grounds maintenance or cleaning, exceeding expectations for the period.
% of complaints upheld - providing figure for complaints being upheld against the Trust:
2024 | Where we are at | Target |
October | 52.94% | 55% |
November | 36.84% | 55% |
December | 70% | 55% |
In December, we saw an increase in the number of complaints closed, resulting in a higher upheld percentage. While October and November saw performance below target, December exceeded expectations, with fewer complaints but more resolved cases.
Number of compliments received - to monitor variances in compliments received:
2024 | Where we are at | Target |
October | 36 | No target |
November | 45 | No target |
December | 42 | No target |
We received a steady flow of compliments throughout the quarter, reflecting positive feedback from customers. You can send us a compliment at any time.
Average call answer wait time - To monitor average length of time for call to be answered by an Advisor:
2024 | Where we are at | Target |
October | 02m 34secs | 03m 00secs |
November | 03m 10secs | 03min 00secs |
December | 03m 49secs | 03mins 00secs |
October met our target, but in November and December, performance was affected by high call volumes due to poor weather, staff absence and vacancies, as well as increased training for new staff.
Average time taken to respond to live chats. Our Customer Experience Team are a multi channel contact centre, the figure demonstrates the digital aspect of the responsibilities of the team:
2024 | Where we are at | Target |
October | 04m 51secs | 03m 30secs |
November | 05m 20secs | 03min 30secs |
December | 07m 12secs | 03mins 30secs |
Live chat response times were impacted by staffing shortages and higher call volumes, which prioritise phone calls over chats. We are addressing these challenges to improve response times going forward.
Average time to complete a routine repair (Year To Date - days). To ensure routine repairs on average are being completed in a timely manner and meeting Trust targets:
2024 | Where we are at | Target |
October | 23.87 | 20 |
November | 23.96 | 19 |
December | 23.65 | 19 |
Average time to complete a planned repair (Year to Date - days). To ensure planned repairs on average are being completed in a timely manner and meeting Trust targets:
2024 | Where we are at | Target |
October | 71.38 | 75 |
November | 65.34 | 70 |
December | 62.64 | 70 |
% of first time fix – Repairs. To ensure we are driving efficiencies by completing repairs on first visit:
2024 | Where we are at | Target |
October | 88.13% | 91% |
November | 88.91% | 90% |
December | 88% | 90% |
% of emergencies attended within 4 hours. To ensure emergency repairs are being delivered in a timely manner and meeting Trust targets:
2024 | Where we are at | Target |
October | 96.11% | 98% |
November | 96.91% | 98% |
December | 95.18% | 98% |
% of appointments made and kept - to ensure we are optimising delivery and meeting customer expectations:
2024 | Where we are at | Target |
October | 92.32% | 92% |
November | 91.84% | 91% |
December | 94.04% | 91%/ |
Number of properties below Decent Homes Standard - compliance with Home Standard:
2024 | Where we are at | Target |
October | 23 | No target |
November | 23 | No target |
December | 23 | No target |
% of customer satisfaction with improvement programme. This is to measure satisfaction with the improvement programme:
2024 | Where we are at | Target |
October | 94.21% | 95% |
November | 94.30% | 95% |
December | 94.04% | 95% |
Customer satisfaction with compliance activity. To measure satisfaction with compliance activity:
2024 | Where we are at | Target |
October | 100% | 100% |
November | 100% | 100% |
December | 100% | 100% |
Number of domestic properties below EPC level C. To understand the energy performance of stock:
2024 | Where we are at | Target |
October | 2032 | 2070 |
November | 1997 | 2060 |
December | 1966 | 2040 |
We continue to invest in your homes to improve the energy efficiency and reduce fuel bills.
ASB - Anti-Social Behaviour
YTD - Year To Date
TSMs - Tenant Satisfaction Measures
GM - Ground Maintenance
Have a question?
If you have any questions or comments, or want to see our performance in another area, get in touch.
You can contact us by emailing getinvolved@peaksplains.org.