Our Domestic Abuse response - your feedback
We're currently working towards our 'DAHA' (Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance) accreditation, and so we're looking at how we handle and manage domestic abuse as a Trust.
We want to make sure that we have the right support in place for our tenants, and so we need your feedback on our current policy.
1. Read the draft policy
Take a look at our drafted domestic abuse policy
2. Complete the survey
It's just eight questions to give us your thoughts and feedback.
As well as reading the policy, this should take approx. ten minutes to complete.
You can also request a paper copy by emailing us at getinvolved@peaksplains.org or calling us on 0800 012 1311.
Please complete the survey by Monday 16th September
3. Join us for a focus session
We are hosting a 1-hour meeting to talk about our policy and approach to domestic abuse.
Who will be there?
- Head of Neighbourhoods
- A member of our Customer Voice and Communications Team.
Thursday 26th September, 5.30pm-6.30pm
You can join in person at our office: The Ropewalks, Newton Street, Macclesfield, SK11 6QJ
Join online via Teams (we will send you a link to join nearer the time)
Let us know you're coming
You can let us know you're coming by emailing getinvolved@peaksplains.org or by calling 0800 012 1311
Let us know you're coming by Friday 20th September
Got a question?
Email getinvolved@peaksplains.org and we'll get back to you within 5 working days.