Trees and hedges

Before making any alterations to trees or hedges, you'll need to get our permission. Also, find out about the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

Trees and hedges are a wonderful part of any garden but you must maintain hedges and trees within your garden area to an acceptable level.

Did you know?

From 1st March - 30th September, all wild birds are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 whilst they are actively nesting or roosting.

Section One of this Act makes it an offence to kill, harm or take any wild bird, and to intentionally take, damage or destroy the nest of any wild bird while that nest is in use or being built. It is also an offence to take or destroy any wild bird eggs.

With this in mind please be aware that no tree works can be carried out unless you can be satisfied that no bird is using the tree to nest. Breaking the terms and conditions of this act may carry a substantial fine to both yourself and the tree surgeon you choose to undertake these works.

You must have written consent from us to remove or replace any hedge or tree in your garden or in a communal garden/area. If you wish to do this, please complete & submit the following form:

Step 1 of 2

Request permission to remove or replace a hedge or tree in a garden

* indicates a compulsory field